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Nazi Propaganda Magazine

These World War II era cartoons are from Lustige Blätter, a weekly German humor magazine. It predated the Nazi takeover, but adjusted quite nicely to the new era.. The magazine did not carry caricatures, even, friendly ones, of Hitler or other Nazi leaders. There were many caricatures of Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, and Joseph Stalin. These issues, all published during World War II, contain a mixture of overt propaganda satirizing enemy countries as well as relatively apolitical jokes and cartoons. There is also a lot of anti-Semitic material. For similar material, see a page on the Fliegende Blätter, another weekly humor magazine. CLICK ANY OF THE PICTURES FOR MORE INFORMATION.


The caption: “Philosophy of a Madman.” Churchill is saying: “Our empire is so large that it hardly matters if a small island burns down.”


The caption: “I am the friend of all the small countries!” Winston Chrchill removes his mask. A standard Nazi propaganda argument was that England used smaller nations, tossing them aside when they were no longer useful.


The caption: “I thought things would start going better for us once you were on our side!” This is one of the first cartoons published after the invasion of the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941. Churchill is holding on to Stalin, who is trying to hold the reins while the Soviet star falls in the background.


This issue, dated just after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, is captioned: “The Sword of the Samurai. It defeated the big mouth.”


The caption: “The results of his winter offensive. He has bitten steel!” The cartoon minimizes the results of Soviet offensives over the winter of 1941-42. In truth, the Nazis had been unpleasantly surprised by the force of that offensive. As some generals revealed after the war, the German front had nearly collapsed.


The caption: “Information from the USA.” Uncle Sam broadcasts, while truth stands on her head.


The caption: “Churchill's Debts.” Winston Churchill is being forced by the long arm of the V1 rocket to review his crimes. The first page says: “England began the air war against defenseless civilians in 1940! (Sylt and Freiburg). It murdered women and children. It destroyed homes, neighborhoods, and churches! It destroyed Europe's irreplaceable cultural treasures!” The other page lists European cities bombed by the Allies.


The caption: “Pumping blood.”